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UC San Diego Pediatric Pharmacology Lab

Jeremiah Momper, PharmD, PhD

Pharmacology Specialty Lab Co-Director

Dr Momper is a Professor at the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at UC San Diego. Dr. Momper’s research focuses on the application of quantitative pharmacology approaches to optimize the development and clinical use of drugs. Current research directions include evaluation of potential therapies for HIV infection in infants and pregnant women and the use of model-based methods to support scientific decision making in drug development. Dr. Momper co-directs the UC San Diego Pediatric Pharmacology Laboratory.

Edmund Capparelli, PharmD

Pharmacology Specialty Lab Co-Director

Dr. Capparelli specializes in pharmacometrics - the use of mechanistically based mathematical models to describe the time course of drugs in the body (PK-pharmacokinetic models), the effects that drug concentrations have their targets in the body (PD-pharmacodynamic models); and overall impact of drug effects have on disease and symptoms (DZ- disease models).  A major emphasis of Dr. Capparelli’s research has been to understand developmental, genetic, environmental and other factors that lead to PK and PD differences in infants, children and adults.  His works includes novel approaches to therapies for infectious diseases including mono-clonal antibodies and long-acting formulations.  In particularly. Dr Capparelli has designed and performed numerous international studies for the prevention and treatment of HIV infection and its complications in infants and children.

Associate Directors

Laboratory Info

Lab Address

UC San Diego | Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
UC San Diego | School of Medicine | Pediatrics Department-Rady Children’s Hospital San Diego.
9500 Gilman Drive, MC 0657
La Jolla, CA 92093-0657

Areas of Interest

in vitro and in vivo pre-clinical pharmacology studies. The UCSD PPL also supports pharmacometrics resources that provide PK/PD modeling and simulation services for local and NIH programs including IMPAACT Network, CHARTER, MPRINT and VRC.